Saturday, February 28, 2004

Real Women

I just got done watching a really good movie.It's called "Real Women Have Curves." It's kind of a spanish based movie.You can watch it in English or Spanish but it's primarily in English.I had asked DH to rent it for me because I had only gotten to see a portion of it on HBO and wanted to watch the whole thing all the way through.He ended up buying it for me for Valentine's Day.I just didn't watch it until tonight.I think I was kind of waiting for the right night.I don't know if that makes much sense.I just knew how much this movie would touch me.I've always been very interested in Spanish heritage and the way people live in Mexico.I should be interested, DH is half Latino.Even before he and I got together though, I was always drawn to that culture.I want our children to have a stronger bond with their heritage than I had with mine.This movie isn't even close to what it's actually like but I enjoyed it anyways.It really touched me.I really don't have much to say.I just wanted to share that movie with you.Even if I'm the only out there that liked it.I'm getting ready to make a list of the seeds I need for spring.We're going to plant pumpkins this year.I have several kinds of flowers that I'd like to plant too.This yard needs some color to it.I want sunflowers for the birds.Morning glories for me.I'd like some Iris' too.I just don't know where I want to plant everything.The pumpkins will be hard because I need some place in the yard where there's a decent amount of room and no animals will trample them or eat them.That's the problem with goats, they'll eat anything that's not cement.Maybe I'll look up some flowers while I'm on here.Anyone out there have a favorite flower that they like to plant or see planted?I'm really fond of morning glories, especially if there's a good variety of colors.It's like, every morning there's a present waiting for you outside, all you have to do is get up early enough to open it.Well, that's all for me.I've got to get back to the circus.The bird keeps attempting to remove the cats paws, the dogs are fighting over a sock and the bunnies are making noise about wanting more water.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought 'Real Women Have Curves' was a really good movie, too. Oh, I miss gardening! In Alabama, we used to have a garden with beautiful rose bushes, and all kinds of plants and flowers. I miss brightly colored flowers with dark green foliage, like gardenias and dragonflowers. We had morning glories too. They're nice. And forget-me-nots. Oh, and tulips are really beautiful and fresh-looking, except they don't last for very long. :) ~Erica