Saturday, February 21, 2004

Depressed Today... part 2

Ellie actually whistled in front of people today!  She usually only whistles infront of family but my brother had his girlfriend and her friend over and Ellie did so many whistles!!!  Good Bird!!!  A quick hint, when washing your cats, trim both their front and back nails, especially the back nails.  If they're really bad about water, hold them on the back of the neck and the skin back by their tail, you'll get less injuries that way, both of you.  I have one cat, a foster, that will actually lay in the sink while I give her a bath.  She's pretty laid back.  We have another cat though, that turns into super cat and is stronger than DH during bath time.  Sorry, I didn't write this earlier Brit, hope you're not scratched to hell and back.  LOL   

Tomorrow is my grandparents 45th wedding anniversary!!!!!  Can you imagine being with someone that long?  It's not wonder they want to kill eachother half the time!  I had no idea they'd been together that long until me and my mom did the math today.  Well, I'm off to play on the net for a while and then head to bed.  It's almost 5am here.  I really should've been in bed a long time ago.   

Oh!  I have a drink review for today.  I tried a cosmopolitan at Hacienda today.  I'd never had one and I'm always up for trying new alcohol.  I hated it!!!!  I'm not a fan of cranberry's so that's got a lot to do with it but even DH didn't like it and he'll drink damned near anything.  I just thought it was terrible.  I find it hard to believe it's such a popular drink.  For now I'll stick with my white russian's and mudslide's.  I also like the drink sex on the beach but I'm always too embarrassed to ask for it.  LMAO


Anonymous said...

coO journal heres mine

Anonymous said...

i felt that way until i left my hometown and ventured off on my own.. then got married,, now i acually have direction in life!

Anonymous said...

by the way.. the comment below mine by "graaaa".. yeah the same one was left on my journal,, i think the person just wants comments on their own journal so they are leavin' the same comment on every journal LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I understand exactly what you mean about not knowing exactly what direction to go in or how long it will take.. and the part about thinking about the same thing over and over.. people are always telling me not to think so much! ~Erica

Anonymous said...

If you want to be a vet tech, go after it, you know you have a gift around animals. What you are doing to take care of the rescue animals is wonderful. But I know what you mean about lack of motavation, he strikes me too.