Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Work And Then Some....

I went up to the shelter today.There's really not much new since the last time I was up there.We have a new dog, a border collie mix.A new goat.His name is Tucker and he's absolutely giant!He's very large for a pygmy.A few new cats and a couple more guinea pigs but that's about it.We have three puppies coming in this weekend sometime from central Indiana.I think I may have found the stray cat's home.There's some people that moved in this past summer and when they moved in, the previous owner had left two kittens behind She was keeping them in the barn and I'm pretty sure one of them was gray and white.I'll have to find out for sure tomorrow though.I really hope this kitty has a home.I hate this journal thing sometimes.You guys all comment and there's really no place for me to answer your comments.So I think I'm going to use this entry for just that.Forgive me if I keep jumping around on this one, I'll have to keep returning to my journal to find out what has been written by all of you.To answer the question about betta's being in those small little containers; I don't know if that's a good size or not, I surely wouldn't want to live out the rest of my life in a little bowl.I usually give them a good sized tank, especially if I get lucky enough to find a betta compatible with other fish.I currently have 6 female betta's in a ten galloon tank and they do great together I've never had female's that fight.The pigeon, Cloud as a pet is a long story.I might explain someday but it'll be another one of those long entries.His previous owner was a breeder and didn't want him, he basically could've cared less if he lived or died.Sxysweetart, I'm sorry you don't have horses anymore.I did read your journal entry, I'm just not real good at leaving comments more times than not.If you're ever in Northern Indiana, send me an email and if weather is permitting, we can go out riding!If anyone ever has questions for me, about anything, just comment or email and I'll be sure to get back to you.If you ever have any animal questions, I'm knowledgeable in most areas and with most animals.LOL


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, your so sweet to invite me for horseback riding. I sure wish I could, I miss it so. I'm glad I found your journal, I love reading about all your animals. Also, I have seen alot of journalers "reply" to comments just by leaving a comment themselves in the comments area of their own journal. Just a thought. :-) ~lila~