Sunday, February 8, 2004

Rabbit Woes

I was having a panic attack yesterday.  I checked on all my animals at night, as I usually do.  I got to the rabbits cages and just knew something wasn't right with my young doe.  Now, if just anyone had looked at her, they would've thought she looked perfectly normal, because really, she did but I just knew.  I went to pull her out of her cage and she didn't run away from me or even act startled.  I took her with me over to the couch and sat with her for a while, not really sure if there was something or wrong or if she was just tired.  About the time I was getting ready to take her back to her cage, I noticed that my leg felt a little wet.  I didn't think anything of it, I've had worse on me than rabbit pee.  But when I looked closer, I noticed it was blood and mucous.  A lot of times, this means that they have uterine cancer.  The only way to prevent uterine cancer in a female rabbit, is to have them spayed.  My rabbit isn't even old enough to be spayed.  I talked to one of the women that I work with and she said not to worry, that one of the rescue bunnies was just having the same thing and that it's probably just her cycle.  I shouldn't worry unless it lasts more than a few days.  I'm still a little on the worried side though.  She's not really eating and she just looks uncomfortable but she is drinking water.  I'm just hoping for the best.

If you haven't seen Secondhand Lions yet, you should definitely rent it or even buy it.  DH thought it was going to suck and even he had to admit that it was a really good movie.  It's definitely on the list of must sees.  If you watch it and hate it, I really will be shocked.  I'd like to rent it on video for my grandpa to watch.  This is one of those movies for all ages.  Ok, I'm done doing my movie review now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. Sorry for not reading and putting comments in. I just forgot about you. Sorry, Sorry, Sorry =(. I will hope for the best for your rabbit. I been wanting to see Seconhand Lions for a really long time.
