Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Boo Boo Booooots

Yesterday, I was playing with the ferrets.  I had Boots with me and was petting her on her belly.  I always kiss them and Boots in particular seems to like "kissing" back.  When I did it last night before I went to put her on the floor with her friends, she bit through my lip.  Sympathetic husband that I have, starts laughing and can't stop.  Apparently, having a white ferret hanging from my mouth was a funny sight.  My lip only bled for a little bit and doesn't seem to be irritated today.  I'll be more careful next time she's near my face. 

I may have an animal transport next weekend or the weekend after, if no one steps up to take them.  I'm not exactly sure of the situation yet, I just know I'll either be taking dogs from Illinois or to a shelter in Illinois.  It's only a two hour drive so it won't be too bad as long as they don't yap the whole way there.  (I DO know they are small breed dogs) 


Anonymous said...

Talk about a kiss!!!  Wooooo, well I'm glad it wasn't more serious.  My feret I had many years ago bit my neck really hard one time, just like your husband everyone thought it was a real hoot.  Except me.  Good luck with the transport, you are an angel.

Anonymous said...

Ouchie! That had to hurt!

Anonymous said...

Years ago I agreed to babysit a friends ferret for a week. He told me she loved baths and just put a couple inches at the bottom of the sink and set her in to bathe her. He had the shampoo and conditioner for her coat , telling me she wouldn't need one for a few days, but after that she would start to stink. Needless to say she DIDN'T like bathing half as much as he had let on. She wrapped herself so tight around my neck, I had to go downstairs were my husband at the time had his family business and ask him in front of customers to please help me. It took two of us to untangle her off my neck and out of my hair. My ex and his dad laughed for years about that one. (Hugs) Indigo