Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cabin Fever

Last night I noticed a spot on Tikki's stomach but I thought he had just run through some poop and hadn't gotten it cleaned off yet.  After all that had happened, I didn't want to upset him more with a bath.  Tonight when I went in to take care of him, I took him around the house with me for a bit.  I noticed that same spot was still there so I thought I would try taking a washcloth and cleaning him a little.  It turns out it was quite a large bite wound.  I suspect he was asleep when his brother started to go and got bitten by him as there were no other wounds or marks.  He will not go back in their nest room and I had thought it was because it was where his brother had died, now I think it may be because he got bit in his sleep and thinks something in that room got him.  For now he's sleeping in an igloo on the bottom floor of his cage.  I have decided that I will call the rescue where I got my ferrets and adopt the two rats she has.  I did a lot of research on how to handle it when an older rats cage mate dies and almost everything said to get several younger rats at a time.  That way if there is any fighting amoungst anyone, there are other rats there to get picked on as well.  I know that sounds bad but it made sense reading it.  Most occasions you can just throw them all in together and keep watch for a few hours and as long as there is no blood shed, they should be ok.  I'm going to clean the cage from top to bottom before I get them.  I hate doing that.  I literally have to climb into the cage in order to get it completely clean.  We didn't take cleaning into account when my dad made the cage.  There are some design flaws with this one so I may be asking him to make a new one after the new additions come home.  (it has a lot of aluminum in it and the urine is acidic enough that the metal is just falling apart) 

Once again, I can't wait to be rid of that ferret cage.  I bought a new litter box the same day I brought home Boots and Bear and I have to take the cage completely off the base in order to clean the litter boxes, as the box won't fit through any of the doors.  We are planning on buying a ferret nation cage by the end of next month.  Their doors are as wide as the cage itself.  (36 inches wide, 25 inches long and 65 inches high)  By the way, if anyone ever reads this and has ferrets and wants a ferret nation cage, I have found the cheapest place to get them is  The shipping is only six bucks and it's a ninety pound cage. 

I can't wait till Friday.  I can finally get out of this house.  We haven't went anywhere all week and I'm getting a little stir crazy.  Every Friday (except for this past one) me and my mom go out.  I haven't had coffee in over two weeks and my taste buds are begging for one.  (another Friday thing) I need to talk to other people!  Right now I have my husband, Jasmine and the animals.  (and they only talk back when I take too much cold medicine)


Anonymous said...

We go out once a week on our usual Walmart grocery excursion, that is today, Thursday. That is enough for me, most of the time. I hope the rats all settle in and dont fight too much.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out with the rats ~ poor little Tikki, he must think there is a boogeyman in his nest!  I don't go out unless I have to, but I go into the office 2 or 3 days a week, that is enough of the real world for me!!  I would stay on this farm and never see another soul again if I had my way.  Enjoy your Friday.

Anonymous said...

I would love to get out of the house right now. The cold temps and snow make it almost impossible to go for long walks with Pickles. I know the feeling of not having anyone to talk to , anyone who will have an adult conversation with you that is.....Poor Tikki. Hopefull he settles down when the younger bunch arrive. (Hugs) Indigo