Friday, January 25, 2008

Hate monger

If anyone is doomed to hell, it's this woman, Shirley Phelps.  She is the daughter of the man that says and I quote "Fags are going to hell." Listen hear------>podcast  She is a hateful, awful person.  I don't want to be part of any God that would purposefully cause 9/11, Katrina.  I can't imagine these people actually BELIEVING the crap they are saying.  Why would anyone want to live a life full of hate?  The only person your hurt by being hateful is yourself.  There is no ONE in this world that hasn't committed a "sin."  You know what, her hatefulness DOES hurt us.  It hurts to know that because you don't believe what someone else believes that they think you should go to hell.  I AM a good person.  You cannot judge whether someone is good or evil based on who they LOVE.  Love is supposed to be a good thing and not supposed to be based on whether you love someone of the same sex or not.  I don't know what this woman thinks she's accomplishing by using harsh words, and protesting not only gay/lesbian's funerals but the men and women that have died overseas.  I'm just speechless now.


Anonymous said...

They want to preach, but I always remember this one...Judge not, lest ye be judged. Who are they to condemn. I believe in a loving God, not a vengeful one.

Anonymous said...

These people don't know how to listen to anyone but themselves preach. I've always said you can't possibly know the reasons your heart chooses to love. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Personal thought here, there are so many unhappy people within themselves the only way they can feel good is to be filled with hate towards other, who find happiness.  I have never heard of this broad and I am happy about that.