Friday, January 18, 2008

I wish the gobblins would take you away... right now

Me and Jasmine are watching the Labyrinth.  It's my absolute favorite movie.  I was sure they wouldn't have it at the video store but they actually had it on the new release wall, something to do with Harry Potter.  He then suggested that I also rent Willow... heh, I already had it in my hand before I went to ask about the other movie.  The last time Jasmine watched this, she was around six months old.  She had nightmares for a month, screaming in the middle of the night, completely sobbing.  I think this time will be different.  Her favorite movie is Jumanji so I think this will be a walk in the park compared to that.  She's already interested because I keep saying how much I love it.  I very strangely, find David Bowie to be super hot in this movie.  I am not a Bowie fan and I don't normally think he's that good looking.  I think it has something to do with nostalgia and maybe a little to do with the fact that he's a bad guy in it.

In the morning I have a four hour volunteer session at Petsmart.  It's almost 3am now and I have to be there at 11am.  I'm actually not worried about it right now.  I'll worry in the morning when I'm exhausted and without coffee, for now I'm going to enjoy my movie and my daughter's expressions during it.


Anonymous said...

I love all those movies , my daughter did too! I always thought that movie made David Bowie hot too. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have seen any of the movies you've listed - I'll have to check out Labyrinth though since you say it is your favorite of all!

Anonymous said...

Ohh yeah, this is one of my all time favorites too! Love love love David Bowie and you are right, he is unusually HOT in this movie! Now I need to go watch it! :)