Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's time for me to fly

I'm trying to figure out how much repairs to the house would cost so that we can get everything taken care of and sell it.  I love the house itself but we went into this unprepared.  I want to sell her and save as much money as I can before we get into another mortgage.  If I can save ten grand while we live at my mom's house, I can put that much down on our next house.  I would like to save all together twenty grand before we move out.  So that means my husband WILL hand the money over to me and we WILL save.  I'm not living like this again.  I love this house but we are drowning here.  The debt has become overwhelming.  It's always there, this heaviness.  The phone rings all day long and it's no one we can afford to talk to.  Everyone I know, has a special ring, if one of those doesn't go off, I usually don't bother checking the id.  I'm not going to turn around, buy a house and struggle all over again.  I need to be in control of most things in my life and I think that's why it is weighing so hard on me.  My husband handles the money, all of it.  In order to get rid of this feeling in my stomach, I need to make this all go away, take over the money.  If I KNOW what is going on at all times, only then can I feel less anxiety.  So, I'm working out a plan as it gives me SOME control.  Every weekend from now till this house is sold, we'll be at home depot.  I also plan on packing up our stuff before we put it on the market so it's an immediate occupancy.  I'll keep our couch, tv and bed and that's it.  All other major stuff will be boxed and put in storage.  The less that is here, the more people can picture it as their own home.  And that's the less that I have to move when we do sell.  I love this house and I will miss her in a way that I would've never missed any other house but we knew it was only a matter of time before we moved on and it's time.  Jasmine is going to be three.  I need to have her registered for school in two years and it will NOT be a school where gangs and guns are all too common.  (our area now) Let's hope I can sell her for what I paid and come out even.


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. Right now the plan is to tackle one by one all the repairs we need on our home in the coming months. The Roof, Plumbing, Complete Rip out and redo of our Bathroom, the list believe it or not goes on. Doc is taking on another full time job , besides continuing to teach guitar evenings and being gone all weekend with gigs (Yeah, I know leaves little time for me, but you have to do what you need to make things work). So believe it or not I do completely understand.....I'm here for you if you need to talk. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've got a good plan in place, hopefully you will sell for the right price and it will all work out for you.  I handle all the finances, Doug doesn't have a clue about anything, except spending...grrrrr

Anonymous said...

I was the one that handed over the finances to my husband. He does a great job of it now, and I am kind of glad to be relieved of the stress of it all. I hope you can get a good price, it is not a sellers market right now. I ended up home schoolling Shelby, even after she was in a good school, we had so many issues with the school, a teacher in particular, then the school still had bullies and someone brought a gun to school one time. I dont know if any school is good anymore. I homeschool Shelby and it has worked wonderfully. Peace of mind and a better education...cant beat it.