Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Rikki died sometime during the night.  I went in to feed him and his brother and knew immediately, before I even got near the cage.  Rikki usually beat his brother, Tikki, to the top of the cage.  Tikki was already waiting and seemed to be searching for his brother.  Now I'm not sure what to do.  Rats are social animals and don't do well alone.  I don't have the amount of time available to spend with him to fill that void.  The place where I got my ferrets has eight rats right now and she said that I would be approved if I wanted some.  I'm trying not to make any rash decisions considering I just found him in the last hour or so.  Tikki also isn't extremely sociable with humans like his brother was.  Sure he likes treats and to be petted but for the most part he prefers to be with other rats.  If I did adopt a couple more, I have the chance that they won't get along with him and then I will be back at square one, and have to find a separate cage to house the new ones in.  Maybe I'll be better once I've had some sleep.  I knew this was coming.  He'd been getting skinnier and skinnier.  He was otherwise extremely healthy so I'm assuming it was cancer.  He never seemed to be in any pain and always had an appetite. 


Anonymous said...

Awe...I'm so sorry Rikki died, how sad.  I guess Tikki wouldn't do well with the ferets would he?  Maybe if you just took on one more rat they would get along rather than if you brought some that were already bonded to each other.  Again, sorry to hear he passed away.

Anonymous said...

I worry about this with Bonnie and Clyde as they grew up together and are practically joined at the hip. I would be like you, hesitant to try getting him friends, because they may not get along. Hard thing to find, sorry you lost him. I know you will make the right decision, whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry hon, to hear about Rikki. I'm with Lisa , perhaps take in one more. If you take more than one it may of already bonded with the others and leave Tikki high and dry. (Hugs) Indigo