Monday, January 14, 2008

Usual weekend blahs

Friday I had an appointment to see what's going on with my throat.  Of course, no one told me I'd be seeing the nurse practioner and not my regular doctor, otherwise I probably would've waited till he was in the office.  The NP says it's just a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics.  My throat has gotten worse and I've never felt as if I had a sinus infection.  You know, usually there's a runny nose, pressure, pain and I've had none of that.  I also got my flu shot while I was there.  My nurse is used to my fainting by now so she knew it wasn't going in my arm.  I always get it in my thigh so I can be laying down and they seem to hurt less the next day.  I felt fine and was talking to her till she left the room and then I started to feel sick.  My husband knew what was going on and just sat and waited for instructions or to call the nurse if I actually did pass out.  I ended up on the floor.  Jasmine was sitting next to me and wiped my hair off my forehead and made sure my husband didn't "bother" me.  When I asked Shawn for a wet paper towel, Jasmine went and grabbed it from him and told him to stay.  She's a really sweet kid when she's not having a tantrum.  Eventually I was able to pull myself off the floor but it was about a half hour after the nurse left the room.  The rest of the day I felt tired and a little out of it.  That always seems to happen when I get that close to fainting.

Saturday, my mother-in-law came over for dinner.  I had an upset stomach so I slept most of the time she was here.  And I didn't get dinner because of it.  My husband took her home and when he got back, we went for ice cream.  That also meant I missed the late night adoption event that we had on Saturday.  Luckily, I wasn't expected there, I just told them I might stop in. 

Today, I slept.  No, really.  I didn't get up till 9pm.  I felt like crap because of it too.  I feel like I missed the whole weekend sleeping.  Maybe it's the time of year.  It's crappy out so I've been sleeping a lot more.  I hate sleeping all the time.  I was planning on getting up today and going to home depot just to get some ideas.  Of course, by the time I crawled out of bed, everything was closed.  I'm determined to get up today before 4, even if I have as hard of a time falling asleep as I did the night before. 


Anonymous said...

Holy cow, you must have been tired to sleep that long ~ probably the best thing for you.  Too bad you passed out, sounds like little Jasmine took over quite well though, what a sweetie.  Hope the sinus problem clears up, people around here have had the same thing for over a month.

Anonymous said...

I sleep a lot more now that it is cold. I was feeling better when we had a spell of warmer sunny days, but it is cold again now. I hope we can all shake the wintertime blahs sooner than later. I hate it. I hope those antibiotics do the trick for your throat. Good thing you were alright after falling on the floor, you be careful with that passing out.