Friday, January 11, 2008

Pile 'O Ferrets

That's Boots big ole butt keeping everyone warm.  You can just barely see Bears face in the back.  Bindi is the little nose sticking up in the air.

Yes, they're all in there... somehwere.  Boots is the white one, Bear is the large brown one but oh no, where's Bindi?  Oh I see her nose sticking out from in between the two other ferrets.  I think she had good heating.  haha

Aren't they so cute.  I just love this picture.  Bears nose is the dark spot in between Bindi and Boots. You just get a side shot of him.

Some of these were taken at different times in the day but they always ended up in a ferret pile at nap time.  It's so sweet to see them all curled up together.

I won both my ebay bids.  They should have an xl hammock tomorrow or Saturday.  It spreads the with of the cage so it's got to be big enough for the three of them.  I also one a huge cube that they can sleep in or play in and it's big enough for FIVE so I think they'll fit comfortably.  They'll probably still use the blanket though.  haha


Anonymous said...

Oh they just look so sweet & content...I can tell they must have adjusted to their new home pretty fast since they are so comfortable.  Good job on rescuing them!!!
They are adorable.  Can't wait to see the hammock.

Anonymous said...

Don't they look like an adorable, cuddly pile. Love the names you gave them as well. Wonderful pictures. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Those are precious pictures, so snuggly. I hope they will use the hammock, but I bet they use the blanket too. :)