Monday, January 28, 2008

I Still Remember

I don't reserve my tears for that one particular day.  I don't only remember the lives that were lost on that one particular day.  I don't only have anger on that one particular day.  I don't only feel pride in the love of my country on that one particular day.  I remember it like it was this morning. I was awoken by my mom, who had a frantic tone to her voice and I could tell immediately by the feel of the air, the tension that something was very wrong.  I never expected that.  I never expected it here.  I never expected to feel that way.  "We're being attacked."  I will never forget those words.  I will never forget how I felt when I saw the first tower fall.  I will never forget how I felt when the second tower fell.  I see the second plane hitting the second tower over in my head as if I were watching it now.  I see the reporters tears as if they were happening now.  I see the fear in everyone's eyes as if it were happening now.  I wonder how anyone could purposely kill thousands of strangers and permanently scar millions for life with just the sight of those towers falling from the sky.  I wonder how they can be proud of such a thing.  I wonder how they can claim victory.  I wonder how they can live with themselves.  I watched, as the rest of the world, for days.  I saw the clips, the newscasts and the horror repeatedly and never changed the channel.  I wanted to know there were more survivors.  I wanted to know it wasn't going to happen again.  I wanted it to be a dream.  I've cried hundreds of tears for those in the towers, for their families, for their friends, for the children who will never know a parent, for the parents who lost their children.  I weep for those who have died, those who have to carry on and for those who's lives will never be the same.  How many of us cried that day and the days following?  How many of us weeped for those we'd never get the chance to know?  How many of us ached for the families left behind?  I will never forget that day.  I will never forget how we pulled together as one.  I will never forget how we took care of strangers.  I will never forget how far we traveled to put a city back together.  I will not reserve my tears for that one day.  I will not only remember those that died on that one day.  I will not only have angeron that one day. 


Anonymous said...

You said this so well, i can remember everything that day as well.  I was in the office, 45 minutes from home when it happened. We ran in and turned on the tv and i was in shock.  I wanted nothing more than to get HOME to my farm and my animals - if i was going die it was going to be there.  I watched tv for days....i had ny channels on my satellite so i was seeing things there our local news didn't carry.  My heart was breaking for those people looking for loved ones, i can still see their faces and their grief.  I think about that day often...such a clear, crisp beautiful day - that turned into a living horror.  You know what a man said...i will never forget this....he came into our office and we were all upset and he said and I quote "what's the big F-ing deal, some buildings fell".  I've have despised that man to this day.  Nice entry.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I remember it all so well, too ... the anger, tears, frustration ... everything you said.  I think it's important that we remember ... we're honoring the lives that were lost by continuing to hang together and to keep the spirit going.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with a heart will never forget that day....The world turned upside down for so many and ended for even more...No....we don't forget that kind of scare, horror, loss or sorrow... (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable the devestastion that day and the following days, months, years to come after it all happened. When you saw it happening on tv, it was just so surreal. Like, how could this happen here? The people that did this know no remorse..they have a totally different thought pattern, a crazy one.