Thursday, January 3, 2008

I have a hater

Comment from chibaliba | Email chibaliba
1/3/08 1:24 AM | Permalink
WOW.. Pathetic... so you're against dog fighting.. and for killing people?  You sound like my 5 year old when he's throwing a tantrum.

I hate dog fighting.. hunting etc..
But If I had to choose between a world full of you.. or a world full of "blood-sportsmen" I'd have a hard time grow up the world isn't all norman rockwell paintings and for good reason.

This was in response to how I felt about dog fighting and Mike Vick.  This is my first shitty comment on my journal so I guess I should feel lucky?  My feeling, if you don't like what I have to say, don't come back.  PLEASE, don't come back.  Part of me just laughs and shakes my head.  This person obviously has no idea what the world is really like.  Stuck in their teeny tiny shit town, with their hillbilly gun toting friends and no connection to the outside world.  Do they even have CNN where you are?  At least we know the five year old is already worlds smarter than what it came from.  Was I throwing a tantrum?  You bet your goddamn ass.  Have you ever SEEN what these people do to these animals?  If we don't stand up for them, who will?  They have no voice and no rights.  Should I just stand by and watch the world go to shit?  Is that the grown up thing to do in your world?  In my world, we stand up for what we believe in and do the right thing.  I guess you'd rather have some dumb shit wielding a gun make decisions in this country than someone who is trying to make a difference.  You sound like a republican to me.  (Dick Cheney anyone?)  I hate when termites come out of the wood work and expose themselves for what they really are.  You have so many opinions and yet, no blog of your own to express them.  It just shocks me how stupid people can be.  You'd really want to live in a world where people think nothing of torturing another living thing?  Where do you think that leaves you in their book?  Am I for the death penalty?  You bet your ass.  Saddam Hussein deserved to die.  Osama Bin Ladin, deserves to die.  These people are evil, plain and simple.  They have no soul and there is no reason to poison the world with their existence any longer.  Why is it a good reason that the world is going to shit?  You say it's not a Norman Rockwell painting and forgood reason?  It's good to be different and to have opinions but I could use a little more Norman Rockwell and a little less Norman Bates. 


Anonymous said...

Oh just...let it roll off your back. Opinions are like a$$holes...everybody has one. Just dont forget, this is YOUR journal, and your opinions are the ones that COUNT here! Here you do what you want! If someone doesnt like it, they can stuff it, right? :) So smile and keep on going.

Anonymous said...

I love your response...just ignore the dufos ~ they don't know you and what you are about and obviously didn't take the time to read other entries.  It is your journal and like you said, if someone doesn't like it they don't have to come back.