Sunday, January 27, 2008

I need a drink-or two

I'm having a - difficult night.  I can't be too specific as the regards of what has happened are confidential.  Basically some people were at least initially concerned about the amount of animals that I have within the rescue.  (my own animals, mainly the seven dogs) I understand the concerns being as I was no one to them.  I was just someone off the street who wanted to volunteer/foster and then I say I have seven dogs, six cats, five birds, three ferrets, one rat and a rabbit.  I would be concerned as well.  But it was very upsetting to see these things written in print from the very people I thought I was building a relationship with.  I have to say, I've always felt on the outside with some people but thought it was because I was the new girl and they were just being cautious.  Come to find out, those were the people that were also most concerned about my "situation."  I hate that I can't go into detail with this but I don't want to risk my place within the shelter or their confidence in me.  I really feel sick over this.  I didn't get to make a first impression before it was made for me.  It's very hard to reconstruct youself in others eyes.  I have went as far as offering up my entire life for inspection.  Allowing those that doubt me to come into my own and observe my animals and my life with them.  What else can I do but just be myself?  I have sent an email explaining my position and the fact that I would like it if from now on, I was confronted about concerns instead having things speculated as that's how things get misconstrued and I would prefer to address their concerns as honestly as possible.  It was very diplomatic and not at all how I was actually feeling but sometimes it's best not to say things exactly how you're feeling them at the time.  It causes hurt feelings and I was trying to mend fences.  I just hope that I managed to do that.


Anonymous said...

i am emailing you.  i don't want to write anything here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Without knowing the specifics, it's hard to say anything other than hang in there.  People can be cruel, which is I guess part of the reason there's such a need for rescue work to begin with.

Anonymous said...

((Hugs)) I know the feeling to some degree hon....I have quite a few animals myself...They don't see the joy the animals have, the care, nor the money and time that comes out of your own pocket....Hang in there hon...I'm here for you. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. People may look at you like a hoarder or something. My husband made mention to me recently as we were discussing other peoples lot in life and he said to us, the animals are not a problem, to others they may see it as a problem. I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. Don't even worry about it. If you take care of your animals, then nobody can say anything, and we all know you do. Hell I have 106 chickens, 1 pheasant, three rabbits, two pigeons, one cockateil, one dog..and up until recently I had one iguana and one cat, AND today I am adding two guinea pigs! So dont even worry about it. Some people do not understand why we have what we have...even people in the profession of finding animals homes too I guess. I think you did the right thing, addressing it the way you did.

Anonymous said...

Oh and two pot belly pigs too! Not to mention Shelbys miniature horse Derby, but he is hers, well for that matter so are the rabbits and the guinea pigs coming. OH yeah, we do have four guineas too! LOL