Friday, January 4, 2008

Sick ward

My morning started off badly yesterday.  I woke up just as Jasmine started throwing up.  Every time she gets a cold she throws up in the mornings.  I think it's got something to do with post nasal drip.  Poor kid.  She would fall back to sleep almost immediately only to wake up 15 minutes later to do it all over again.  This went on and off for a few hours.  When she got up at 1pm, I figured she was up for good.  She drank an entire glass of water and then fell back to sleep.  Thankfully she didn't throw up anymore but my sheets and blankets were in bad need of the washer.  She seemed fine when she actually got out of bed.  Maybe a little more whiny than usual but otherwise good.  My husband came home whiny and sick.  He worked his full shift then came home and slept for a few hours.  A part of me had wished I had let him sleep more because once he woke up all he did was whine.  I'm like c'mon, I just had this cold and it's not that awful.  I feel like I have two kids right now dealing with both of them being sick.  At least I don't have to worry about catching it.  ; )


Anonymous said...

I hope both of them start feeling better soon - I am sure hubby is more of a baby than Jasmine if he is a typical man.  LOL

Anonymous said...

I have heard that if too much mucus drains down into your stomach it can make you sick like that. Poor Jasmine. Dont you hate to see the baby sick. I am so glad Ian is not whiny when he is sick, I do enough of that for both of us when I am sick...he he..hope everyone gets well soon.